Greetings from Orangeburg. I got back home this afternoon and I can't tell you how good it feels to be back home. Nice Road trip, but I'm glad to be back. I'm a complete day behind with my whole life, so I'll use tomorrow to catch up. I haven't even looked at the Scripture lesson for Sunday yet (I normally do that on Monday) so I have no Idea what I'll be preaching yet. Mercy!
Oh - before I forget. I got a note from someone saying he liked the pictures but they were kind of small. I forgot to mention - if you click or tap on the picture you'll see a much larger version of the picture. Now you can go back and look at them all again. :)
Let's get back to the Road Trip. Monday. 8:30 Central Time. After a good nights sleep and my morning prayers, I headed out for Greenville, SC to see my brand-new granddaughter Sarah who was born on Sunday night. Did I show you a picture?
Yeah, I know. But if this was your blog and that was your grandchild, you'd do it again too!
8:30 am. It's rush hour as I head from West St. Louis eastbound. Great way to start the morning, crawling along at 15 mph or so.
15 miles later. Still cruising at 5 to 20 mph with an occasional stop here and there.
I said "cruising". Not cursing.
Although the idea does enter one's head occasionally...
Downtown St. Louis.
And yes, it does look this brown in real life.
Busch Stadium is right there off the main interstate.
Think quickly - when you drive out of St. Louis, Missouri and across the river, what state do you drive into?
Do you recognize it?
That's right. Illinois - The Land of Lincoln. This picture was taken about 15 miles outside the Illinois border, about 15 miles outside the St. Louis city limits.
Somehow, I thought Illinois would look like Chicago. But most of it is farmland - like this. Notice the clouds? It gets worse.
Welcome to Kentucky. This is about all I saw of Kentucky.
This was what the the rest of Kentucky looked like. And yes, my wipers were on full blast. Needless to say, it took a l-o-n-g time to go a fairly short distance.
And then, just before the Tennessee state line...
Somebody had an accident. So we sat. and sat.
One hour of my life that I'll never get back. Mercy.
The weather cleared a bit just before Nashville.
But not for long. Mercy!
Here we go again!
The rain slacked up just outside Knoxville, and then started up again, finally stopping shortly after the North Carolina state line. Here's something interesting I saw while in Knoxville:
Can you make out what's on the truck?
Chickens! Real Live Chickens, being blown with 60 mph winds. I'd hate to eat the eggs from these hens!
Welcome to North Carolina. And the first dry roads Since Illinois!
Oh boy! A tunnel!
Oh, look! Another one!
The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
The rest of the trip to Greenville was uneventful, and yes, I was a bit tired when I pulled into my daughter's driveway.
Tuesday Morning - I slept late, then played with my grandson John for about an hour and then head to the hospital to see Baby Sarah.
That's my son-in-law Matthew. The blue haze around Sarah is to decrease her bilirubin levels. She's fine - all is well. She might get to go home on Wednesday.
After the hospital, I cranked up the car and pointed it south. Home! Of course.... Yesterday's rains seemed to be following me.
Finally, there it is. HOME!
Thank you Lord for a safe journey.
And so ends the great Road Trip of 2016. I enjoyed having you along. See you Sunday!