Thank you for your prayers! Tonight's meeting with the leadership of Trinity in the Fields went so well! I could feel your presence, and let me tell you - Pinckney made ya'll proud tonight. Were your ears burning? He was bragging on you. (Of course, I was too.)

This will be an abbreviated version of our Road-Trip Report, because I have more to prepare for tomorrow's presentation in the morning.


Woke up before my alarm, said my morning prayers, packed up and headed up the road to Memphis. Looked like it might rain. It did but only for a brief while.    I took Highway 72 - 4 lane all the way. reminded me a lot of 301, especially as it went through some of the smaller and more forgotten towns in Mississippi.  


What does it look like as you cross the Mississippi river from Tennessee to Arkansas?


I'm serious - you can't see the water. I couldn't begin to tell you how big the river is. I don't know! The bridge was reminiscent of the old Cooper River bridge - the old one.  

Welcome to Marion Arkansas - 10 miles from Downtown Memphis. It's mostly farmland everywhere you look. Beautiful land - flat as a pancake - not a hill to be found anywhere.

Horace took us to his family farm for lunch with his brothers who still farm the land. They have about three thousand acres on the island that was know as devil's elbow before the Mississippi shifted in the 1800's. (See Huckleberry Finn) It's now called Centennial Island. It's been in his family since the 1830's.  I am not exaggerating when I say it is crops as far as the eye can see.


Here's Horace's brothers - John and Charles. The younger man is John's son. They farm the family land.


Here's the Trinity in the Fields church building. It really is a beautiful.  I'll show you a lot more tomorrow.

Have a great Saturday.  I'll try to have you a report before 10:00 your time. Goodnight from Marion!
